Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Moral Decay Of A Dying Society

Where are we headed?  I find myself asking this question more often than I should. (insanity begins and ends with asking yourself questions that frighten you).  Ruled by a government elected by and for the PEOPLE.  Who are these faceless incompetent voters that are casting ballets for reptiles with no virtue? Lizards slithering through the detritus of a once great, but now complete fabrication of free society. America, where if there is fast food on the table and mindless nonsense on cable television one need not worry about how corrupt we truly are.

Great white men once wrote on hemp paper with quill and ink that all men should be free.  Of course they were speaking of white men, not to include other race or the gentler female species.  So, they did happen to be off there slightly in being honorable gentlemen.  That was later rectified of course and rightly so.  Not that it mattered because in giving other race, creed, color, and gender freedom all of those freedoms were in turn taken from white men.  How does that work?  I wouldn't and didn't support slavery, or gender discrimination, so why because my skin has less pigment that my brother's do I now stand at the back of the line praying for a scrap of moldy bread and tepid water from my master?