Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sig P229 SCT (Super Capacity Tactical) in .40S&W.

This is a special Sig model no longer in production.
As all Sig pistols are, this P229 in drop dead sexy, and runs like a track star. This weapon came into my possession post long wait due to bad timing on my part. I happened to order it just after SHOT Show 2010 and had no idea the number of orders placed at SHOT pretty much kills being able to walk into a shop and order a special production pistol and have any chance of it arriving quickly.  The orders sent to Sig caused a backlog on this particular weapon and it was about four months waiting time for them to catch up.  I hit up all four of my local gun shop owners and they were all scrambling to get one in for me to no avail; their dealers were out as well, so it came from Sig directly.

When it did finally arrive on that joyous day I already had custom made holster in hand from High Noon Holster Co. in Florida.  HNHCo's leather is perfection, I have used their Down Under inside the waistband holster before for a Colt Government .45 auto.  Their IWB's are extremely well made and are thicker leather than some of the other holster maker's I own.  I paired the Down Under with High Noon's 1 1/2" belt that is two layers of thick leather sewn on opposing sides of a polymer insert.  This creates the stiffest gun belt I have ever used, which when carrying a concealed pistol is a major plus.  I always advise those seeking council on concealed carry:  "The belt is the key."  You can carry using a cheap holster on a good belt, but even the best holster is crap on a low quality gun belt.  Notice I typed "gun belt", carrying a pistol on a belt designed to just hold your pants up does not ever work.  You must use a belt designed to carry a weapon and it absolutely must be a quality belt designed for gun carry.  I laugh when I see someone purchase a top of the line pistol and then carry it in a junk holster on a - mart dress pants belt.  That person will end up never carrying the pistol, it will be under the car seat or shoved in the glove box when they need it.  Even with the best quality gear CC is an adjustment. Know that going into it, you will have to get used to the weight and limitations of concealed carry.

The pistol:  Sig P229 SCT .40S&W, as I stated before is a custom shop piece.  Take a stock P229 add fiber optic front sight, tritium night sight rear, forward cocking groves, and 4 - 14 round magazines.  Standard 229's come with two 12 rounders.  Like any Sig I have handled it is a mechanical whiz, 4-500 rounds through this one and not a bobble in reliability.  I have owned two additional P229s and one P239 with not one malfunction in any of them.  Sig's just plain work.  I had heard quality stumbled for a while, but I haven't experienced any issues or heard of any problems from my friends personally.  Possibly it was with the P250 series which are a different frame material and are considerably less expensive.  I have no experience with the P250 model other than handling them in the shops and shows.

Review:  The P229 is an exposed hammer double action first shot single action there after.  The controls offer a decocker and slide stop lever just behind it.  My SCT shoots point of aim for me and I can hit 16"X24" inch steel target plates out to 100 meters regularly standing using support hand hold.  Close CQB work is easy and capable with the Sig, putting rounds on target center mass effortlessly.  The green fiber optic front sight really shines in the daylight and is almost too much in low light shooting.  I have found that tritium night sights can become a little hard to distinguish from front to back in very low light.  Not so with fiber optic front and tritium rear, the glow is much more bright from the fiber than the radioactive inserts in the rear blade.  Some manufactures use a different color in the front and rear which is good, but if all three tubes are the standard green I have difficulty aligning at speed due to the confusion.  The front stands out in the SCT's setup.  Magazine changes are quick with the Sig, the mag well is nicely beveled and the double column mag easily indexes on it.  The 14 round magazine extends below the grip to accommodate the extra two .40 cartridges.  This causes issue for me when carrying on my waist due to the extra mag length printing through my shirt or jacket.  I carry a standard 12 round mag when using belt carry for this reason.  When carrying in my Galco Miami Classic II shoulder rig it isn't a problem and I use the extended mag in the pistol and two under the off side arm to balance the weight.

Pro's:  Sig quality, beauty, and reliability.  Love the fiber optic front.
Con's: Some operator's find the double/single action difficult to master, others take solace in it's inherent safety level.  I find neither good nor bad here, just another tool in the box.  Sig's are chubby around the grip; harder to conceal than something slim like a full sized single stack magazine Government Model.  Not cheap, but these day's what is?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Enter The Firearm: My Experiences and Learning Curve With HG's

The .40 S&W caliber hit the market running in the early 1990's.  Glock got there first with Sig-Sauer following close behind.  The thing was, Smith & Wesson brought out the cartridge and their firearm was third to market behind Glock and Sig.  That little embarrassing bit of history has been pretty much forgotten, but the .40 caliber has not.  The positive behind the .40 was that it held close to the magazine capacity of a 9millie, and had the first digit of the mighty .45 Colt Auto, (major selling point because the .45 just plain works at stopping bad men from doing bad things), even if it wasn't followed by the important -5.  The .40 short is where my story of handgun ownership started, that being the first caliber firearm I purchased.

The catch in my life at the time was that I was a student at Marshall University in my freshman year.  That being the case I had no income and was not yet the required 21 years old to purchase a hand gun.  I would have to wait two years before my first purchase.  At the time I had been lusting for a Glock M-22 in the new .40 cal.  These were the days of early street poetry, NWA and Public Enemy blasted heavy bass lines sampled from '70's funk, and all the O.G.'s packed the plastic framed pistol, every lyric of that day carried the catch phrase about "9's" and being blasted or burned down by a 9 millimeter.  Gangster Rap did much to promote the Glock outside of Law Enforcement.  Both sides of the street jumped on the  "Plastic Pistol" bandwagon.

Fast forward a couple and a Glock model 22, (touted as being invisible on airport X-Ray machines), had found it's way into an Uncle Mikes nylon IWB holster which rode with me daily. Being young and not having experience with firearms as far as trigger time and use; that only comes with time, I supposed as many still do that the Glocks were the most ingenious of weapon design.  Now I find how poorly designed ergonomically they actually were.  A Glock just does not fit my hand or point well for me at all. (plenty of readers are seeing red right now).

I have never understood arguing over firearms farther than making the point of "this is what works for me."  Because that is what individuality is about.  Everyone's hand is different and what fits best is the best tool for that person.  Everything else is icing.  Shoot what feels good and what you are proficient with.  A .500 S&W magnum round that just whizzed passed a zombie's face doesn't impress said zombie as much as that copper BB fired into it's eye from a Red Ryder lever action air gun.

The guys I shoot with are constantly pushing their preferred gun/caliber on everyone around them.  And that is part of the fun of exploring firearms, and I have my opinion as well.  Before you ladies and gentlemen new to firearms make a purchase seek out someone whom can back up what they are feeding you with real proof of experience/use rather than everything sucks but this gun.   I rarely see police or military as experts on firearms.  That is in no way to imply that some aren't.  And I have found most are in putting them to use, but look at it this way.  An Officer or Soldier/Marine/Airman/Sailor is issued a firearm, they have very little to no say outside of The Special Force Branches what weapon they use.  Military standard in the M16 platform and the M9 Baretta infrequently the M8 Sig. With LE it is usually a Glock, Sig, or again the Baretta. There are others of course but mainly it is this handful of choices.  It is far wiser to seek out a private gun owner who has tried it all on his own dime rather than the taxpayer/Chief's decision, which frequently is a political decision anyway.
Example: US's adoption of the inferior M9 so that our government could set up intercontinental ballistic missiles in Italy back in the 1980's.

Gun questions will be answered and advice given freely here, you only need ask.

My history with firearms to be continued...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dangers of acceptance:

What are the dangers of accepting other mores into established society?

Look at liberal teachings today.  The socialist forces that are in power teach acceptance of other cultures, other views, but at what cost?  Loss of your own history and in turn a blurred moral code.  Europe will allow anything, look at their acceptance of Muslim Shia Law.  European government allowed parts of their territory to become controlled by Imam's, now Europe finds itself rampant with Muslim extremism and there are sections of cities under Shia control.  There is a price to pay for being too tolerant of outside influence.

The United States are being systematically taken over by foreign refugees who's loyalty lie somewhere else other than American values.  Not being the typical American I have absolutely no problem with aliens becoming citizens of these United States so long as they desire to become one with my country.  Example: What that means is if a Mexican citizens finds his country lacking in opportunity, then by all means if that Mexican citizen, in his heart wants to be naturalized LEGALY into this country then he will find no slight at my hand, only a welcoming neighbor.  This requires only that he vow's allegiance to the US and it's constitution and takes on the burden of learning the English language, US Law, and becomes a productive member of US society.  Leaving his old beliefs behind.  In turn, if he chooses to represent foreign powers, does not follow America's Constitutional rights afforded, or in his heart has less than honest desire, he will find nothing but contempt and hardship at my hand.

If a Muslim finds that his land is hard and unforgiving then he will be welcomed here by me as would anyone.  Of course I will require him to free his wife to live free from ownership as he is free here in this country, as I am free in my country.  Upon finding him cruel or less than fair to a woman then there will be a price to pay brought upon him as it is everyone in America who falls short of law.

So in closing,  America is open to all, so long as the price is paid and equality is offered in open and equal quantity.  This country is a place of acceptance regardless of how backwards it has become.  But, acceptance is only acceptable to like kind.  If you desire to live in America then you are agreeing to be American, not a foreign force living on American soil.  Here we are one, regardless of what the current reptiles in government and the liberal trash that elects them say.  It is time AMERICAN VALUES took control of American politics once again.

Friday, April 1, 2011

British East India Trading Co.

Now those guy's across the pond knew how to run an empire. The British East India Trading Company at one time financed the most profitable of empires, England, which held Africa, India, the Orient and the New World by the throat.  The Queen and her country, the place of my line's origination.  These corrupt business men bartered in human soul's; being opium, slavery, prostitution, etc.  All were within reach of the Queen's knife which rest on the jugular of humanity; sharpened on the stone of evil.

History being the scratched record that it is keeps playing the same tune over and over.  Today we find young men and women being set up as pawn's in the New World Order's game of chess once again for control of Heroin.  It is no longer just oil from the corpses of Muslim's that these beasts feed on.  It is, and always has been the soul of free men that conjures these reptiles from slumber into lustful feeding frenzy.  They rip at the heart of angles and bathe in the tears of God Almighty.

How we found ourselves in Afghanistan is bound to the worthless dollar bill and the greed of elected officials who have obviously studied history.  As American's find misery that has been asleep in the shady dreams of good fortune, going un-noticed in our lives for so long.  Now we wake to find promises made by the ship's captain broken and our young bound in chains being walked away under the crack of the master's whip.

Reports keep coming up about high level Taliban leaders being captured by our soldiers only to have (jacky CIA) show up with a briefcase full of money to set them loose and fly them away from justice.  We find Hilary and Obama dealing arm's to AQ in Libya while their minion's disarm the United States citizens.  Iran tear gasses their populace who are flooding the streets in protest and the canisters omitting the gas are made in America.  Doesn't this seem strange?  These governments are sworn enemies and they are obviously trading with each other to quell their own rebellions.  Guess what?  they are all the same government and we, a bunch of sheep are being led to the house of slaughter at their hands.  Our governments won't kill us we will kill each other because of our pre conceived notions that the differences between us are where the sin lies.  It is not, the sin lies in the hearts of the NWO and we, slaves to the masters keep fighting amongst ourselves.

Let us, the freed men, find a common enemy and draw our blade across the throat of the BEAST so that we may bathe in the blood of the tyrants who have caused our misery. Allowing once again the darkness to quiver in fearful sweat knowing that the noble, riotous man, the man of broken chain with healed wounds from the strap, scarred, but alive with faith in something good, come in the night to visit the wicked.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Moral Decay Of A Dying Society

Where are we headed?  I find myself asking this question more often than I should. (insanity begins and ends with asking yourself questions that frighten you).  Ruled by a government elected by and for the PEOPLE.  Who are these faceless incompetent voters that are casting ballets for reptiles with no virtue? Lizards slithering through the detritus of a once great, but now complete fabrication of free society. America, where if there is fast food on the table and mindless nonsense on cable television one need not worry about how corrupt we truly are.

Great white men once wrote on hemp paper with quill and ink that all men should be free.  Of course they were speaking of white men, not to include other race or the gentler female species.  So, they did happen to be off there slightly in being honorable gentlemen.  That was later rectified of course and rightly so.  Not that it mattered because in giving other race, creed, color, and gender freedom all of those freedoms were in turn taken from white men.  How does that work?  I wouldn't and didn't support slavery, or gender discrimination, so why because my skin has less pigment that my brother's do I now stand at the back of the line praying for a scrap of moldy bread and tepid water from my master?

Friday, February 4, 2011

This is the beginning

Welcome to my Blog.
Here I will discuss various topics as my interests are many and i am an eccentric.