Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dangers of acceptance:

What are the dangers of accepting other mores into established society?

Look at liberal teachings today.  The socialist forces that are in power teach acceptance of other cultures, other views, but at what cost?  Loss of your own history and in turn a blurred moral code.  Europe will allow anything, look at their acceptance of Muslim Shia Law.  European government allowed parts of their territory to become controlled by Imam's, now Europe finds itself rampant with Muslim extremism and there are sections of cities under Shia control.  There is a price to pay for being too tolerant of outside influence.

The United States are being systematically taken over by foreign refugees who's loyalty lie somewhere else other than American values.  Not being the typical American I have absolutely no problem with aliens becoming citizens of these United States so long as they desire to become one with my country.  Example: What that means is if a Mexican citizens finds his country lacking in opportunity, then by all means if that Mexican citizen, in his heart wants to be naturalized LEGALY into this country then he will find no slight at my hand, only a welcoming neighbor.  This requires only that he vow's allegiance to the US and it's constitution and takes on the burden of learning the English language, US Law, and becomes a productive member of US society.  Leaving his old beliefs behind.  In turn, if he chooses to represent foreign powers, does not follow America's Constitutional rights afforded, or in his heart has less than honest desire, he will find nothing but contempt and hardship at my hand.

If a Muslim finds that his land is hard and unforgiving then he will be welcomed here by me as would anyone.  Of course I will require him to free his wife to live free from ownership as he is free here in this country, as I am free in my country.  Upon finding him cruel or less than fair to a woman then there will be a price to pay brought upon him as it is everyone in America who falls short of law.

So in closing,  America is open to all, so long as the price is paid and equality is offered in open and equal quantity.  This country is a place of acceptance regardless of how backwards it has become.  But, acceptance is only acceptable to like kind.  If you desire to live in America then you are agreeing to be American, not a foreign force living on American soil.  Here we are one, regardless of what the current reptiles in government and the liberal trash that elects them say.  It is time AMERICAN VALUES took control of American politics once again.

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