Friday, April 1, 2011

British East India Trading Co.

Now those guy's across the pond knew how to run an empire. The British East India Trading Company at one time financed the most profitable of empires, England, which held Africa, India, the Orient and the New World by the throat.  The Queen and her country, the place of my line's origination.  These corrupt business men bartered in human soul's; being opium, slavery, prostitution, etc.  All were within reach of the Queen's knife which rest on the jugular of humanity; sharpened on the stone of evil.

History being the scratched record that it is keeps playing the same tune over and over.  Today we find young men and women being set up as pawn's in the New World Order's game of chess once again for control of Heroin.  It is no longer just oil from the corpses of Muslim's that these beasts feed on.  It is, and always has been the soul of free men that conjures these reptiles from slumber into lustful feeding frenzy.  They rip at the heart of angles and bathe in the tears of God Almighty.

How we found ourselves in Afghanistan is bound to the worthless dollar bill and the greed of elected officials who have obviously studied history.  As American's find misery that has been asleep in the shady dreams of good fortune, going un-noticed in our lives for so long.  Now we wake to find promises made by the ship's captain broken and our young bound in chains being walked away under the crack of the master's whip.

Reports keep coming up about high level Taliban leaders being captured by our soldiers only to have (jacky CIA) show up with a briefcase full of money to set them loose and fly them away from justice.  We find Hilary and Obama dealing arm's to AQ in Libya while their minion's disarm the United States citizens.  Iran tear gasses their populace who are flooding the streets in protest and the canisters omitting the gas are made in America.  Doesn't this seem strange?  These governments are sworn enemies and they are obviously trading with each other to quell their own rebellions.  Guess what?  they are all the same government and we, a bunch of sheep are being led to the house of slaughter at their hands.  Our governments won't kill us we will kill each other because of our pre conceived notions that the differences between us are where the sin lies.  It is not, the sin lies in the hearts of the NWO and we, slaves to the masters keep fighting amongst ourselves.

Let us, the freed men, find a common enemy and draw our blade across the throat of the BEAST so that we may bathe in the blood of the tyrants who have caused our misery. Allowing once again the darkness to quiver in fearful sweat knowing that the noble, riotous man, the man of broken chain with healed wounds from the strap, scarred, but alive with faith in something good, come in the night to visit the wicked.

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